**If you are unable to pick up your awards at the award ceremony you need to make arrangements for someone else to do so. Any unclaimed awards, trophies and judging sheets will be discarded after 14 days. This includes Solo/duo/trio awards and teams awards.
There will be overall awards given for the Stage competition and the Gym competition.
Each solo, duo and trio will be awarded a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place. If a routine is in their own category, they will be adjudicated (Platinum, High Gold, Gold, Silver). Every dancer will receive a beautiful individual trophy!
The title of Miss Amplify, Rising Miss Amplify and Little Miss Amplify will be given to the high point soloist of the entire competition! This dancer will receive a gorgeous crown, a scholarship and other awards! This dancer must register and pay $25 for Miss Amplify.
The highest scoring solo in each age group (Petite, Mini, Junior, Teen, Senior) will be awarded Queen. The runner will also be awarded. This award doesn’t require additional registration.
The highest scoring duo/trio in each age group (Petite, Mini, Junior, Teen, Senior) will be awarded the Highpoint Duo/Trio award! This award doesn’t require additional registration.
The top 5 dancers in each age group will be awarded at each award ceremony. There will be 7 judges choice awards given to each award ceremony where they receive a beautiful trophy. The highest scoring soloist in each difficulty level will be awarded as well!
There will be overall awards given for the Stage competition and the Gym competition.
Each participant in the Studio and Team competition will receive a participation gift. Each Studio will receive a large and stunning trophy! We will also award a 1st 2nd, 3rd and 4th place in each category. If a routine is in their own category, they will be adjudicated (Platinum, High Gold, Gold, Silver). There will be 7 judges choice awards given where a gorgeous trophy will be awarded. We award, cash prizes, banners and trophies to teams.
High Point Trophy- Highest scoring single number of the day
Studio Sweepstakes- Studio with the highest average score. (Minimum of 5 routines.)
The Alma and Lila Watterson Scholarship Award- Given to the Studio Sweepstakes winner! This team receive a $500 scholarship award!
Top 5 routines in each age division
Highest scoring routine in each difficulty level
Judges Choice- Specialty awards based on overall creativity and execution.
Specialty Awards- Top technique, Best Choreography, Best Showmanship/Performance, Best Costume, Artistic Creativity, Most Amplified.
Best of Show-Highest Scoring Production Routine.
Scoring Break Down
Silver ranking: Score between 85-89
Gold ranking: Score between 90-92
High Gold ranking: Score between 93-95
Platinum ranking: Score between 96-100